Month: October 2017

An Intro to the World of Maxwell Floyd (Part 4 – Future of the Series)

Future of the Series: A Cold Blooded Rain: Book 1 from the files of Maxwell Floyd, Private Eye, is only the jumping off point into a series of many more books. Each will introduce a […] Read More

An Intro to the World of Maxwell Floyd (Part 3 – Characters & Culture)

Characters: The hero, Max Floyd has more problems than he knows what to do with. But he’s less hard-boiled, not the vindictive tough-guy, and he’ll rarely win in a fight. He’s smart, honorable, and always […] Read More

An Intro to the World of Maxwell Floyd (Part 2 – Places & Technology)

Places: Book 1, and most of the books from the series, take place in a future New York City and combines many of my favorite visuals and themes. Classes are quite distinct: there are the […] Read More

Girl Among Thieves (Short Story)

This is a story I wrote in early 2016 for the now defunct MASH Stories website. The 500 word or less competition required us to use three randomly chosen words, in this case, “converter,” “happiness,” […] Read More

An Intro to the World of Maxwell Floyd (Part 1 – The Beginning)

Well, here we go. My name is Todd Leton, and I’ve spent the last twenty years in marketing and graphic design. As a musician, I’ve written and released two studio albums over the past decade. […] Read More