Been busy here at the ‘ol word factory! Got several things to mention. As you may be aware, the audiobook versions of both Book 1 and Book 2 are NOW available on Amazon, Audible, and FINALLY on Apple Audiobooks! Here’s a little secret: The first 25 people to sign up for updates via either the pop-up when you first arrive at my site or the form to the right will get Audiobook 1, A Cold Blooded Rain, for FREE! I haven’t advertised this deal across social media just yet, so get yours before it’s too late!
Next up, I’m happy to announce the release of the first short story in the Maxwell Floyd universe. A Cold Blooded Rain: One Week Later is NOW AVAILABLE for free! I’ve provided formats compatible with the most popular e-readers, as well as the option to simply read it on this website. Please know, you should really have read Book 1 before reading this short story. Check out the details HERE! There’s even a trailer!
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been over the moon with a couple new reviews on Amazon that I thought I’d share some snippets from:
* * * * * Noir’s Alive and Well
“Happy to discover an author who’s keeping the print noir genre going strong. The e-book is a witty and well-crafted journey into the dark streets of the mind.”
* * * * * A great first start to what is hopefully many more!
“This was my first foray into the crime genre and I was extremely happy with the decision. Leton’s world gave me feelings being in a cross between Dick Tracey [sic] and Blade Runner. … The attention to detail also stands out … All in all it was a very fun and enjoyable read. Highly recommend!”
Thanks so much all who have left such kind reviews! If anyone else among you have read the books, please be sure to leave a review if you haven’t already!
Lastly, I’ve added a few minor tweaks to the website. Most noticeably, are the excerpts on each subject page under the CLASSIFIED! section. A few new subjects have been added, too! But at the top of each, you’ll be able to read a brief excerpt from the books, usually taken from when the subject first appears. Head on over and take a look to see what I mean.
I think that’s it for now. Book 3 is still in the revision phase, and I hope to have two companion novellas released later this year, but I’ll keep all that close to the chest for the time being!